Mindfulness & The Body

want to grow your mindfulness and compassion skills and cultivate more peace and acceptance in your body?

Mindfulness & the Body Workshop most seasons on Zoom.

Mindfulness for Body Liberation

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for body liberation.

I am creating a space that promotes mindfulness without the tendrils of wellness culture that can be full of hidden (and sometimes right out in the open) diet mentality. Mindfulness alone will not fix systemic problems, but it can give individuals new tools for resilience. Practicing mindfulness in supportive community also builds confidence, resources, and language around this complex subject. There's a big difference between spaces that claim to welcome everyone and spaces made with a certain population in mind.

I'm creating mindfulness space designed to support the specific needs of fat (this is the word I choose, but it may not be comfortable for everyone, so please fill in the blank with whatever works for you) bodies.

I think that as we connect with our awareness of the body through meditation, it is natural and even predictable that we encounter difficult emotions that result from living in a fatphobic culture. These thoughts and feelings can make it hard to tune into the simple and present wisdom of our bodies, and these challenges are especially true for bodies that are at an intersection of multiple marginalized identities.

These challenges can make it harder to access enoughness, but I also think that when we name the systemic challenges we can begin to build the tools and strategies for resilience and personal healing in community.