Elizabeth Watkins Price

Hi, I’m elizabeth.

I’m a consultant, a teacher, a lawyer, and a writer, and this is the place where all of those parts of my experience come together to inform deep career exploration, life reimagination, and mindfulness meditation.

My sense of what makes a meaningful life has evolved over time, but with each new career path, I have found a new version of myself as an educator. I started out teaching English to speakers of other languages in inner-city schools, and then went to law school and worked as a civil rights attorney for years. From there, I shifted into higher education, first as a career counselor and then as a judicial educator. Throughout my professional life, I have been an advocate working to improve access to inhospitable systems and challenge injustice. In all of these varied contexts, I’ve offered my students and clients tangible skills and tools to meet their needs with compassionate understanding.



I earned a master’s degree in teaching from American University, which has informed years of experience as an educator in k-12 classrooms, law school programs, and continuing legal education courses for lawyers and judges.


I was a public interest attorney from the beginning and brought my experience in education law, immigration law, and juvenile justice to my years of practice litigating civil rights cases and advocating for human rights.

Meditation Teacher

After years of personal meditation practice, I started teaching mindfulness to judicial officials. I expanded my personal practice and teaching skills through MMTCP, a two-year mindfulness meditation teacher certification program.


After writing for legal and work publications, I started writing for myself and found that not only was there a book that I was ready to write, but also a creative identity that I was ready to unleash.


In the Media